We at ChillSofas believe that our customers deserve high quality luxury sofas and deserve them NOW. Not in a years time. Thats why weve partnered with ClearPay so you can enjoy your chill sofa today without having to worry about paying for it.
Find out how to get your dream sofa on finance in 3 simple steps.
All our products, from luxury sofas to stylish chairs come under sofas on finance. So the question is – what will you choose?
Fill in your shipping and billing details, then select ClearPay as your payment option – Follow the instructions and wait for your order to be approved.
Pay In Installments – Your first payment will be taken on date of purchase, with the final 2 automatically taken 30 and 60 days after respectively. ClearPay shall send you reminders for when this will be due. All interest free!
For Pay In 30 Days – ClearPay will send you a reminder for when your payment is due, depending on your terms.
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